Our Story

About IMIA


IMIA’s legal status is that of a not-for-profit association, incorporated by Articles of Association under the Laws of Switzerland – Swiss Civil Code, Article 60. IMIA’s legal “residence” is in the Canton of Geneva. The conduct of the Association is governed by IMIA’s Statutes as amended and approved at the General Assembly meeting in Tokyo in 1993.

Revised Statutes were formally approved by the IMIA General Assembly at its meeting in Cape Town, South Africa in 2010.(Detail...)


The General Assembly is the ultimate authority in the conduct of IMIA’s affairs, notwithstanding those aspects, the General Assembly is represented by the IMIA Board to conduct ongoing business and directives through out the year.

The General Assembly comprises of one representative from each IMIA Member, Honorary Fellows, Chairs of IMIA’s Working and Special Interest Groups and a representative from IFIP, the World Health Organization, and each of IMIA’s Regions. Only IMIA Member Societies have full voting rights. The General Assembly meets annually; it meets at MedInfo in the years that a MedInfo event is held, and general at other major events in non-MedInfo years.

IMIA was founded by the representatives of Medical Informatics Societies (Associations). Their representatives were (and continue to be) the only constituents of the General Assembly with full voting privileges and have the sole right to change IMIA’s Statutes, elect the IMIA Board and approve IMIA’s Budget. (Detail...)